Festival of Humankind
The Fourth Light of Advent Is the Light of Humankind...
The Light of Love, of Thought, to Give, and to Understand...
...At this week's ceremony we will light the Blue Candle of Humankind....
We will place on our altar representations of we Moonstones as we Honor our place in the Universe, our World and in our Home as we await the return of the Light that Comes at Solstice.
This week we will take time to go inward to reflect on how we can bring Our Lights into the world of Darkness...
How we can be more Giving, Thankful, Thoughtful, Loving and Understanding to all the other Human Beings in the World and to ourselves in our own Home....
As we begin this Darkest Week of The year, Let us honor the ways that we bring light to the world....
I set aside this week apart from the flurry of activity that normally surrounds the holiday. All crafting is to be done or set aside, all gifts mailed. I will be putting the house to rights for solstice/yule week, but otherwise just spending time loving on my family and thinking about how to better myself and humankind in the new year.
This week's verses:

Monday: What are the best things you have ever given other people?
What are the best things that have been done for you?
What are the best things you have ever received?
What are the best things others have done for you?
Tuesday: Name five historical people that you admire. Tell us why.What can other people learn from these people?
Wednesday:If you could give anything to any people in the world, to whom would you give? What would you give them and why?
Thursday: Make a list of REAL things you will DO to help and give to others in the coming year.
Friday: Name three things you would like to better UNDERSTAND than you do now.....Next to each one, write down ideas of who to ask or what resources to look up to LEARN about them and get more of an understanding...
Saturday:Write three Letters of Gratitude to people you are grateful for. Put a stamp on them and mail them.
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