Festival of Animals
The Third Light of Advent is the Light of Beasts...
Animals of Farm, Field, Forest, Air, and Seas
Await the birth of the light, the greatest and the least...
...At this week's ceremony we light the Yellow light of Animalkind....
We will place on the altar representations of the animal life which shares our world and marvel at the different kinds of animal lives that enrich our world....
This week we will honor our place in the animal kingdom and expand our understanding of the majesty that other species of animals possess and reflect on how we can better serve the animals who share our world....
This week we are celebrating the Festival of Animals. We began to night by placing on the altar different representations of animals. Earlier I had added the Yellow Stars to the table...We read our verse for the week as well as shared a story called The Story of Ellah-Jah from the Tales of Tiptoes Lightly about the creation of animals....
We also Laid out acorns for the squirrels, and sometime this week we will be making pinecone bird feeders which we will hang from our tree....
We will be donating funds to buy a flock of chickens for a family in a third world nation, to help their family have food and a livelihood.
We also welcomed into our home Merlin Moonstone....

This week's stocking verses........... (as ever, click to enlarge on any picture. thank you.)

This week's Advent Guide Questions for Discussion...

Much Love till next week....