Thursday, April 8, 2010

scenes from the morning...........

bella played in the mud, then both the littles painted....fred painted a "train" (see it??! wow) and bella painted "yellow springs"
mama went to fred's preschool entrance interview/paperwork extravaganza
and ALSO filled out her FAFSA to FINALLY go to "big college"
bastian had a BIG bag of recycling to bring on the way home from school
(the school doesn't have recycling, so bastian collects recycling himself)
all in all a lovely day so far.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

breathing new life into a doodle

i took a doodle my husband did, and stitched only took a day! i am VERY excited about this...
Jonathan's New JC Graphics Facebook Page:
go ahead, make a friend of him, i don't mind :)