Today begins the Festival of Plants....Very exciting, and so far the Advent idea is going over VERY well, especially with Sebastian (who is kinda the whole point)....He is really enjoying it as are we all. Last week Fred attended the ceremony with us before bed and enjoyed that very much. We kinda "fell behind" in both the daily pages as well as the verses/gnomestockings....I don't know whether it was because Thanksgiving was this week, or what the reason, but it's ok. This is all very try and enjoy....(as opposed to trial and error)...
But things are going gorgeously and this is very exciting and thought-provoking. I am glad Sebastian is enjoying it so much. I am glad I am enjoying it so much. When I get the chance to sit and think of ideas, the possibilities really are endless....
This week, as our special activity we will be planting our spring bulbs, putting up and decorating the tree in Sebastian's room... as well as doing our daily sheets, green prayer flags and whatever other fun activities i can conjur up.
To deck out the altar table this week i added our houseplant, Phyllis (short for "fill-us-with-water")...she was a gift at Bobby's funeral and I have kept her alive...a miracle! She is our only houseplant....hopefully that will change....
as well as the green stars for the week and some flowers I made from felt....I would really like us to add real flowers this evening....We shall see....

I am not going to type out the entire page thingies this week....mostly it is "what is your favorite flower/fruit/vegatable", etc. But here are the verses in the stockings...(as ever, click to enlarge)

Much love till next week!