and all through the house....momma and bashie did the BACK TO SCHOOL TIDY SHINDIG at the very very last minute (afternoon)...
bastian has a very neat room, filled with all sorts of wonderful things for a ten year old boy, if i may say so myself. he has many interests and it is wonderful to watch him grow and learn and utilize the world around him.
i don't blog about bastian nearly enough, will work harder at that. but he is a pretty independent soul so i don't fret much with him and do little kiddie things like i do with the babies. but no less is the love i have in my heart for my firstborn....
ok! so here is bastian's room! (left to right in a circle. ha)
he has this roll-top desk that was his father's. a great heirloom. one he will be using a lot this year and in the coming years, i imagine. his dad used to do his BUSINESS at this desk. it is a cool, cool desk. today i thoroughly organized it and put things in their rightful places to have a great study area. i am especially pleased with what i did on the top "shelf" (what is that word?)...
i had some cool planters that i got at a yard sale (with a handful of other stuff for a dollar!) and bastian's favorite color is green. so i put his pencils (sharpened and all with erasers...a feat! ha!) in one of them and his pens (all tested!) in another. then i put his scissors in a jar with his erasers...then i spaced them with his collections of marbles, stones, and seashells....gorgeous!

beside his desk is a little space where he has his bean bag chair (that he got at a rummage sale for $2), his spare blanket for cozying up (in front of a good movie or reading a good book)...in the camoflauge bag is his metal detector (very top of the line, from papa jake...)on the wall are his lightup moon phases moon thingie (awesome gift from uncle david and aunt iris), and a collage of old american currency that he got when we took grandma mae and grandpa jake to the garst museum. papa bought the frame :)...

then the A/V corner...ha. he has a television, that was our old tv, we are borrowing his that was his dads because it is bigger, for the family. his dvd/vcr combo is broken. we need to get another.(but no hurry, but i guess before winter would be nice) the bureau was his dad's. it was sebastian's when he was a baby, then his dad had it, now he has it back. in those drawers are *a junk drawer *dvds *favorite vhs movies * not favorite vhs movies. he has a computer (windows 2000, wassup) that he got for xmas a couple years ago. (what a thrill!) he also has a nutracker "collection", the tall one is a pirate (for his dad...i get him one pirate thing every xmas, as a tribute....) it is his tree topper as well....two alarm clocks. one is for the cd player and radio. note the papa gandalf....also the penny holder on the wall was his dad's that they completed together. it has a penny from each year 1950-2000 along with a timeline of things that happened that year. it's rad. the plaques are his prizes from the coin show he showed at in march.

then in the other corner is his BOXES OF STUFF....hey, nobody's perfect and this is the best i can do without shelving! :) but at least today they are ORGANIZED! it's the small victories, folks! note the compound bow on the wall (from grandpa), dad's canteen, and greenday and obama posters....awesome kid, man.

bastian's bed.....he used to have a futon bunk bed. it was his one true desire in life. we got it. it squeaked and we never worked out how to use the top and he never used it as a futon. he has always liked to sleep on mattresses on the floor so this is his setup now...(and it is COMFY!) green sheet, green faux down comforter, tony stewart throw, old beat-up pillow that he has written on and everything! teddies...
bulletin board (his BIG birthday present this past birthday---that is what he WANTED)
pictures of his dad and dad's family, and OF COURSE the SURRENDER THE BOOTY flag!

THE BOOKSHELF!!!! grandma mae made the bookshelf years ago. she gave it to me. i gave it to bastian. it is so friggin awesome....wish i could take better darn pictures. he has such GREAT books....also some of his postcard collection, his picture box, various journals, just neat neat stuff... sitting beside are his set of encyclopedias (these were young married bobby's and mine...so cool) and BIG RED DICTIONARY that was a wedding gift from grandma mae....

bastian is building "hogwarts" (harry potter's school....just sayin') out of legos. from his own imagination. it is soooo awesome and so amazing what a kid can do with time and imagination and freeplay....

there he is...that's my beauty! i love him....i am sure he will have a great year this year at school and in everything he does!

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